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What’s new in oat research and development [On-demand webinar]

Learn more about the latest research and innovations in oats for food use during this presentation by Emilia Nordlund.

November 25, 2021

During this presentation, Emilia Nordlund discusses the Finnish OatHow project where knowledge and modern analysis methods were developed to predict the behaviour of different oat batches in various food processes. She also explores new ways to fractionate and functionalise oasolvayt proteins for especially meat-type food applications.



Emilia Nordlund - Research Manager, VTT Ltd

Emilia Nordlund's scientific expertise lies in ingredient and food technology, with a focus on using unrefined ingredients, and plant-based ingredients for foods with reduced energy density and increased bioactivity, targeted at integrated food processing concepts for a more efficient and sustainable food chain. Emilia has long-term expertise in plant-based ingredient and food design, especially by enzyme-aided technologies. She has also explored cellular agriculture-based food solutions, as well as new ways to support healthy eating by developing new concepts for food delivery and eating, including personalised food innovations.

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