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Global consumer trends in the protein market [Report]

Article-Global consumer trends in the protein market [Report]

This report, compiled by FMCG Gurus for Fi Global, examines protein trends across the global market, focusing on why high protein products are becoming more popular and the challenges and barriers that are emerging from this. Download it here to learn more.

There is a specific focus on how the active nutrition market and consumers adopting a long-term and proactive approach to health, as well as consumers adopting alternative dietary plans, are driving demand for high protein products. This report examines why consumers are turning to high protein products and the benefits that they associate with such products, as well as what alternative protein sources consumers are most and least aware of. The report also examines key barriers that exist when it comes to sports nutrition products becoming more mainstream, as well as some of the key issues faced when it comes to the long-term success of the plant protein market.

Main points covered are:

  • Two types of mainstream consumers driving the protein trend
  • A focus on healthy living has resulted in greater interest in protein 
  • Taste is a concern for consumers when it comes to plant-based protein products 
  • Brands need to offer transparency around natural claims when it comes to plant alternatives
  • Consumers will adopt a back-to-basics approach when it comes to nutrition 

Download the report to learn more.

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TAGS: Protein