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The future of alternative protein: Building a model for growth in India [On-demand webinar]

Video-The future of alternative protein: Building a model for growth in India [On-demand webinar]

As incomes in low-and middle-income countries rise over the next decade, we will see an increased demand for protein as diets transition towards a higher consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn more.

To address the expansion in demand, we will need to build food systems that do not negatively impact climate, biodiversity, and scarce natural resources. With unique insight across scientific, policy, industry, and investment landscapes, we intend to use the power of food innovation and markets to accelerate the transition of the world’s food system toward smart protein. In building the sector from the ground up in India, we’re aiming to establish a model for its growth across the developing world.



Nicole Rocque - Innovation Specialist, Good Food Institute India

Nicole studied Economics at the University of Warwick, UK. Prior to joining GFI India, Nicole worked at Invest India, the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of the Government of India, as a primary advisor to lifesciences groups' looking to set-up or expand their presence in India. As a special project nomination via Invest India, she worked directly under the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India to launch the national innovation commercialization initiative AGNIi as an in-roads to greater cooperation between industry, government labs and academic institutions.