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Future of Food: securing your tomorrow [On-demand webinar]

Video-Future of Food: securing your tomorrow [On-demand webinar]

The future of food is not only about re-inventing how to be successful, but also about learning how to combine purpose with profit. The food and agriculture industries are transforming rapidly, and COVID-19 has accelerated the need for change. There is an abundance of potential opportunities and challenges to act upon, but critical capabilities such as digital, innovation and ecosystem approach are still scarce. Determining where to focus and build up future-proof capabilities, is essential for ensuring success.



Randy Jagt - Future of Food Global Lead, Deloitte     

Randy is the global lead of Deloitte’s Future of Food platform. This platform helps companies to accelerate the necessary transformation to responsible and future-proof business models. This includes key transformation themes including Personalized & Healthy Nutrition, Responsible Production, Food Ecosystem, and Industry 4.0 Transformation.

Randy is a seasoned strategy partner and has supported many clients in the areas of Organic Growth, Digital Strategy and Commercial Excellence . In all his projects Randy leverage a high-energy & collaborative approach to support clients to define and realize strategic transformations. In the past 18 years Randy has supported several Fortune 500 companies across Europe, US and AsiaPac.

TAGS: Innovation