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Global food and beverage market update by region in 2021 [On-demand webinar]

Video-Global food and beverage market update by region in 2021 [On-demand webinar]

COVID-19 has affected food and beverage markets irrevocably. In this strategic and forward-looking on-demand webinar, Food Trending examines the bigger picture and drills down into the challenges and opportunities facing the food industry on a regional level, from Europe and North America to Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa to Latin America.



Jamie Rice – Director Global Trends and Insight, Foodtrending

Jamie Rice is Global Director Trends and Insight for Foodtrending. Foodtrending are global food market analysts, providing data and insight on consumer food and industrial ingredients markets. Jamie heads the team identifying future food and beverage trends and is a project lead in providing tailored market intelligence solutions and growth insight for global clients. He has worked for Foodtrending since 2001 and is a regular presenter on food industry markets and trends, and has appeared on the BBC, FT as well as in a variety of industry publications.