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Plant-based: What’s new, what’s next – an expanding opportunity [On-demand webinar]

Video-Plant-based: What’s new, what’s next – an expanding opportunity [On-demand webinar]

With plant-based trends reaching global phenomenon status, the 'plant-based' definition is ever-evolving. Its rising mainstream appeal will drive expansion to different regions and categories in 2021 and beyond, including accelerated demand for new formats, plant proteins and a growing emphasis on perfect flavouring.

The plant-based revolution has accelerated the development of an expanded assortment of plant protein ingredients and opportunities. Challenges relating to regional consumer preferences and sustainability expectations around plant proteins are also attracting attention.



Irene Kersbergen - Insights & Innovation Manager APAC, Innova Market Insights

Irene Kersbergen is an Insights & Innovation Manager at Innova Market Insights, a leading international market research company that tracks new food and beverage product launches. Irene holds a master’s degree in Economics and Business and is specialized in consumer behavior and marketing.