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With so many hydrocolloids, each providing different textural profiles, how to choose? [On-demand webinar]

Video-With so many hydrocolloids, each providing different textural profiles, how to choose? [On-demand webinar]

Selecting the correct gum to use, when you know you need one, presents a bewildering array of choices for the food developer. This on-demand webinar offers help by directing the developer towards the first questions to ask themselves, then the next and the next, until eventually they fall upon the one or two choices left to assess.

It’s basically a filtering aid, without bias, which should reduce the wasted effort so many of us spend before we find the optimum solution to our formulation problems.



Linda Bellekom-Allen - Consultant specialising in use of hydrocolloids in foods, Big Village Consulting Ltd

Linda Bellekom-Allen is a specialist in hydrocolloids in food applications. As technical and sales support for cellulosics, she developed a broad and practical working knowledge of most food gums and how to assist developers in using them. She was instrumental in the incorporation of methylcellulose in plant-based foods and the dramatic improvement of texture in gluten free bread using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. Now a consultant, not tied to company or product range, she can advise on hydrocolloid selection and use, based on the developer’s requirements. Linda lives in the UK and has a small development kitchen with lots of pots of gums.