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Startup spotlight: Discovering egg alternatives [On-demand webinar]

Video-Startup spotlight: Discovering egg alternatives [On-demand webinar]

Just Egg is one of the fastest selling egg products in the global market today, and is 100% plant-based. In this on-demand presentation, Udi Lazimy describes Eat Just Inc.'s journey to creating Just Egg, the sustainability of this innovation, and the future of breakfast for a better planet.



Udi Lazimy - Global Head of Sustainability and Sourcing, Eat Just Inc.

Udi Lazimy is a highly skilled international operations, sustainability and business strategy director, with 15 years’ experience leading sustainability, sourcing, agricultural, environmental, and social justice operations at the national and international levels, in both the private and non-profit sectors. In addition, he co-founded and/or coordinated multiple community-based organisations and has over a decade of experience instructing international service, leadership development and outdoor adventure travel programs.