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The growth of China's immuno-health market post-COVID [On-demand webinar]

Video-The growth of China's immuno-health market post-COVID [On-demand webinar]

Alongside its disruptive influence, COVID-19 is creating new opportunities in China's consumer health landscape. Watch this on-demand webinar to explore the growth in demand for immuno-health products and the opportunities here for international brands.



Ellie Adams - Managing Director, QIVA Global     

Ellie combines professional services expertise and on-the-ground knowledge gained from a career working on China-led growth for international businesses. A fluent mandarin speaker, she has worked in China (mainland and Hong Kong), APAC and the United States. Ellie’s professional experience includes Thompson Reuters, where she worked on sales, strategy and policy projects in China, the UK and USA. Her work in emerging markets saw her land the role of Director of Government Affairs in Washington DC. From this position she was headhunted to join Monitor Deloitte, the strategic consulting boutique. Here Ellie worked on strategy and operations for the UK government and private sector clients such as Tesco. Ellie is a graduate of Tsinghua and Durham Universities. In 2017, Ellie founded QIVA Global with an ambition to help international businesses build resilient brands in China.