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Holistic health: what are the opportunities for food and drink producers to cater to consumers' mental wellbeing? [On-demand webinar]

Video-Holistic health: what are the opportunities for food and drink producers to cater to consumers' mental wellbeing? [On-demand webinar]

Mental wellbeing is in the spotlight, suggesting opportunities for the food and drink industry to develop products that support consumers' health holistically, focusing on mental wellbeing as well as the more functional or physical areas of health. What solutions and ingredients are likely to grow in products for mental wellbeing, and which areas of mental wellbeing should producers focus on?



Emma Schofield - Senior Analyst - Global Food Science, Mintel

Emma Schofield’s role at Mintel covers general nutrition, health and wellness, ingredients and additives, and food labelling and regulatory developments that may impact NPD. Emma prepares strategic insight and analysis that answers clients' questions on topics such as sugar reduction, clean label, and plant-based dieting, which helps clients to drive their NPD pipelines forward and create a competitive advantage.