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Fi Europe 2022

State of the FoodTech ecosystem in 2022 [On-demand]

Video-State of the FoodTech ecosystem in 2022 [On-demand]

In this presentation Vincent Matthieu is looking at the areas which have proved to be most resilient and discusses top trends to follow for the coming months and years.

Vincent Matthieu helps large and small food businesses (throughout the food supply chain) to understand and leverage the FoodTech ecosystem to build their long-term strategy.

Matthieu is discussing why investments have declined since the start of the year and identifies which areas have been most affected.  



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Matthieu Vincent, Founder & Partner, Digitalfoodlab

Matthieu Vincent co-founded DigitalFoodLab, a leading foodtech consultancy in Europe. With its team of experts, DigitalFoodLab helps large food and FMCG companies plan for the future of food, understand and act on the parts of their business that are threatened by disruption, and identify areas of opportunity.