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Reinventing your HACCP system with consumer expectations in mind [On-demand webinar]

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an internationally recognised method of identifying and managing food safety related risk and, when central to an active food safety program, can provide assurance that a food safety program is well managed.

November 27, 2020

However, the HACCP Program and critical tolerances are largely focused on microbiological contaminants and regulatory limits. Given current consumer concerns over issues of pesticide residues (like Glyphosate) and plasticizers (like BPA and phthalates),how can you adapt your HACCP program to include preventative controls to address these potential contaminants? This presentation examines the process of adapting a HACCP program to tackle current consumer contaminants of concern, as well as exploring high-risk ingredients and packaging types worthy of further examination.



Jaclyn Bowen - Executive Director, Clean Label Project

Jaclyn Bowen MPH, MS is a Food and Consumer Products Quality and Safety Systems Engineer and Executive Director of Clean Label Project, a national consumer advocacy and standards development organisation, with the mission to bring truth and transparency to food and consumer product labelling. Clean Label Project uses retail sampling and testing to benchmark product quality and purity of America's best selling food and consumer products, conduct consumer product investigations, publish peer-reviewed studies, and award Clean Label Project's coveted evidence-based Purity Award. Before coming to Clean Label Project, Jaclyn held numerous technical, standards development, food safety, quality, and executive roles within the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre, NSF International. Her expertise is in organic, gluten-free, non-GMO labelling, food safety, and label claim substantiation and compliance. Bowen holds a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Biology, a Master of Science in Quality Engineering and a Master of Public Health in Management and Policy.

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