The current COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on our daily lives. Strict social distancing measures were implemented, and many people stay and work from home as much as possible. It also has a huge impact on our global food system, with demand and supply suddenly being disrupted.
Sanne Stroosnijder - Program manager sustainable food chains, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research
Sanne Stroosnijder works as Program Manager Sustainable Food Chains at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), where she is responsible for the research program ‘Food Waste Prevention & Utilisation’. With a team of multidisciplinary researchers, she works on effective prevention, reduction and valorisation strategies, technologies and innovations. Sanne is part of the core team of the Dutch Foundation United Against Food Waste in over 80 companies, organisations and knowledge partners work closely together with their government to deliver SDG 12.3 and reduce food loss and waste in the Netherlands by 50% in 2030.