The B2B industry has been standing still when it comes to digitizing their sales process. For years suppliers have been visiting customers, handing over samples, and waiting for a good result. FlavorWiki’s 100% digital solution provides the fastest and most affordable platform for food ingredient companies to capture real-time feedback on samples and leverage customer insights data to improve sales strategies like never before.
Join Daniel Protz (CEO, FlavorWiki), Jasper Schouten (CEO, 1-2-Taste) and Christian Sobolta (Sales, FlavorWiki) in exploring the future of ingredient sales in a digitally driven world.
FlavorWiki | 1-2-Taste - WEBINAR SERIES
Engage customers in person & online (Daniel Protz):
How can you stand out among others bidding on the latest brief or looking to get involved in that next key project for your client's next launch? Using digital tools to engage your customer, learning about their needs and getting key feedback on samples or prototypes will help you stand out, react faster and collaborate more effectively with your customers.
Leverage customer tasting data (Christian Sobolta):
Like most suppliers, you probably have countless tastings each year with your customers. Sales reps might keep notes on these meetings or perhaps there is a follow up call or a discussion. But how can you structure and use this data to your advantage? FlavorWiki will demonstrate how its digital sales and interaction tools can build a powerful data set to help you better understand customer needs.
Increase sampling value (Jasper Schouten):
How much did your ingredient company spend sending or supplying samples last year? Millions, or just hundreds of thousands. Do you know what happened to those samples? What the client liked or didn't like? Or perhaps they never tasted or tested them at all. FlavorWiki can help you track samples and engage customers more effectively to make the most out of your sampling activity.
First of a four part series:
This webinar is the first of a four-part series on how flavor and ingredient companies can use technology to support, engage and delight customers. In later installments we will cover topics such as performing consumer research to back up your brief submissions and how to leverage online platforms to sell more efficiently. Each edition will have a special guest in the domain field of interest.