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The Future of Nutrition Series offers insights into future developments and technologies set to innovate and change the the food & beverage industry.

Feeding future generations [On-demand webinar]

The food technology revolution is first and foremost an answer to an upheaval of habits. Relationship to food, once very distinct between cultures, is becoming much more diverse and complex to manage.

Fi Global Insights

March 5, 2020

The innovation game changers who spoke at the Future of Nutrition Summit 2019 included , CEO at Cubiq Foods, , Associate Director at Specialised Nutrition and , Chief Editor at Nature of Food, and the session was expertly moderated by Kevin Camphuis, Co-Founder at Shakeup Factory.

Key points of the discussion included:

  • There is a new move towards a more plant-based eating approach – not necessarily going vegan, but a definite increase in the consumption of more healthy plant-based foods

  • Sustainability and the ethical impact products have, are becoming of greater importance in consumers’ minds

  • Consumers are more educated when it comes to understanding labels and packaging, and therefore, manufacturers and producers need to pay even more attention to the type of foods they produce

  • The food industry is likely to reinvent the way it engages with consumers

  • Consumers’ food patterns and dietary patters are changing

  • A transformation of the food system can be expected

  • Fermentation will become an area of greater focus, while the demand for more plant-based products soars

Watch the full discussion here for further considerations when it comes to thinking about feeding future generations.  

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