Developing dairy-based commercial products can be difficult, but developing new plant-based products is REALLY DIFFICULT! Commercial processes change the very nature (pun intended) of your products. This means your new sweet, smooth, creamy, plant-based protein smoothy can easily end up a tart, gritty, mess.
We explore plant-based products (like milks, protein shakes, & yogurts) unique processing issues and requirements. Then we review how to select the appropriate processing method—pasteurization, aseptic (direct or indirect), or extended life (direct or indirect) by considering factors like their ingredients, product characteristics, and intended shelf life.
Key takeaways from this white paper:
What makes plant-based products so difficult to develop and process?
What are the most common processes used for plant-based products?
What processes are best suited for your products?
How do you determine the most effective processing conditions?
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