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How will the EU Green Deal affect the ingredients industry? [On-demand webinar]

The EU Green Deal is the European answer to climate and environmental challenges, and at the heart of it, the Farm to Fork Strategy aims to make food systems fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly. The ingredients industry is placed at the centre of the food supply chain, between farming of the raw materials upstream, and retailers and consumers downstream, and plays a vital role in the transition towards more sustainable food systems. This on-demand webinar walks you through the different EU priorities, policy changes and upcoming legislation, and highlights the new opportunities for the ingredients industry.

April 12, 2021



Alexander Mohr - Executive Director, European Flavour Association (EFFA)

Joining the EFFA secretariat in 2016, Mr Mohr was the Secretary General of APEAL, the Association of European Producers of Steel Packaging, and previously headed the public affairs practice for the European container glass industry (FEVE). Mr Mohr has previously worked for a political think tank on global political party consulting issues and has been a lecturer on international relations at the ‘Institut d’études Politiques de Paris’ (SciencePo) and Senior Advisor to the Permanent Thai Delegation to UNESCO in Paris. He has published several articles and interviews in the context of EU regulatory and policy developments and more recently on the EU Flavour Regulation progression.

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