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Global soft drink trends 2020 [Report]

Article-Global soft drink trends 2020 [Report]

This report examines key trends in the global soft drinks market, with a specific focus on regional trends, covering five key tends that are influencing consumer attitudes and behaviors in 2020 and beyond, utilising data and insight from FMCG Gurus. Download it here to learn more.

This report has a specific focus on health and wellbeing, examining issues that exist in the non-alcoholic beverage market, sugars and sweeteners, energy and relaxation, and the demand for green and clean products. Additionally, it also looks at the appeal of new and experimental flavors, highlighting how consumers are continuing to seek out small moments of indulgence, irrespective of concerns about their health and wellbeing or finances. The report also provides context on how these trends are being shaped by COVID-19 and what this means for the industry.

Main points covered are:

  • The war on sugar will intensify because of COVID-19
  • Consumers want beverages that they deem to be green and clean
  • Consumers want genuine experiences when it comes to beverages
  • Consumers still want new flavors in a recessionary environment

Download the report to learn more.

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TAGS: Trends