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Food safety: is it all in the mind? Putting behaviour change into practice [On-demand webinar]

Video-Food safety: is it all in the mind? Putting behaviour change into practice [On-demand webinar]

The landscape of food safety has gone through a seismic shift where principles of behavioural science now blend seamlessly with food science and technology to ensure that food handlers and business owners are encouraged to behave consistently in a safe way.

There is a raised awareness of the nudges required that lead to actual behaviour changes. Many of these techniques and understandings come from the perspective of social-behavioural sciences. A nudge makes it more likely that an individual will make a particular choice, or behave in a particular way, by altering the environment so that automatic cognitive processes are triggered to favour the desired outcome. This presentation takes us through the challenges presented by human behaviour and how to try to address and influence them.



Sterling Crew - Chair of the Food Authenticity Network

Sterling is Chair of the Advisory Board of the Food Authenticity Network of the Laboratory of the Government Chemist. He is co-founder of Kitchen Conversation. Managing Director of SQS Ltd and is a Strategic Advisor at Dynamic Risk Indicator and the Shield Safety Group .Sterling is the Independent Scientific Advisor at Campden BRI and sits on its board. He has 35 years’ experience of working in the fields of food safety, governance, and regulation. Sterling’s experience as a regulator, retailer, brand owner and food manufacturer has given him a unique perspective of the challenges of the global food supply network.