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Hitting the sweet spot while reducing sugar [Report]

Today’s consumer has a love/hate relationship with sugar. On the one hand, human beings crave sweetness—and the demand for sugary foods and beverages that scratch that itch isn’t going anywhere. On the other hand, consumers have a growing awareness of the impact excessive added sugar can have on health.

How can the industry satisfy consumer taste buds while addressing the need for reduced sugar in processed foods?

This free-to-download report takes a look at some of the ways technology and reformulation can allow consumers to have their cake—and eat it too.


  • Sugar: The current state of affairs
  • The quest for less sugar
  • Low- and no-calorie sweeteners
  • Formulating with less sugar
  • Novel approaches and innovative ingredients
  • Regulatory challenges
  • Key takeaways

Hitting the sweet spot while reducing sugar [Report]